As we expand and extend our applications of world-system theory, as we explore the shifting interplay between cores and peripheries, as we see boundaries emerge and dissolve, we also fix world-systems theory itself on the map table. What is its core? What are its peripheries, or would it claim that all human interactions fall within its sway?Thomas Hall, for example, does not take quite the entire map, but takes "intersocietal interaction" as the world-systems domain
The primary challenge of globally distributed work is minimizing the perceived social distance such ...
Many archaeologists have used world-systems analysis in precapitalist settings. Some have criticized...
The study of globalization, prominent in all fields of social science, scarcely draws upon the insig...
In the search for an interpretive framework that has generalized applicability, scholars have had re...
World-system dynamics are re-conceptualized as inter-societal systems with some de-emphasis on the n...
The "World" is a complex and perplexing, if many splendored thing! Having the Earth as its natural h...
World-systems analysis studies the development of our world-system. Its units of analysis to explain...
World-systems analysis is a well-established but poorly-defined critical research tradi-tion in the ...
This is an effor t to formulate a theory of fundamental large-scale, long-term social change which u...
World system theory comprises two distinct lines of inquiry: macro-social studies of historical worl...
Is world-systems analysis of any relevance to present-day economic flows? By using methods in line w...
Many recent studies have concluded that societal structures cannot be understood without the conside...
World-systems analysis is a well-established but poorly-defined critical research tradi-tion in the ...
From its inception, the world-systems perspective was not only enormously influential in long-term, ...
World systems theory continues to be a widely adopted approach in theorisations of the contemporary ...
The primary challenge of globally distributed work is minimizing the perceived social distance such ...
Many archaeologists have used world-systems analysis in precapitalist settings. Some have criticized...
The study of globalization, prominent in all fields of social science, scarcely draws upon the insig...
In the search for an interpretive framework that has generalized applicability, scholars have had re...
World-system dynamics are re-conceptualized as inter-societal systems with some de-emphasis on the n...
The "World" is a complex and perplexing, if many splendored thing! Having the Earth as its natural h...
World-systems analysis studies the development of our world-system. Its units of analysis to explain...
World-systems analysis is a well-established but poorly-defined critical research tradi-tion in the ...
This is an effor t to formulate a theory of fundamental large-scale, long-term social change which u...
World system theory comprises two distinct lines of inquiry: macro-social studies of historical worl...
Is world-systems analysis of any relevance to present-day economic flows? By using methods in line w...
Many recent studies have concluded that societal structures cannot be understood without the conside...
World-systems analysis is a well-established but poorly-defined critical research tradi-tion in the ...
From its inception, the world-systems perspective was not only enormously influential in long-term, ...
World systems theory continues to be a widely adopted approach in theorisations of the contemporary ...
The primary challenge of globally distributed work is minimizing the perceived social distance such ...
Many archaeologists have used world-systems analysis in precapitalist settings. Some have criticized...
The study of globalization, prominent in all fields of social science, scarcely draws upon the insig...